Read More - Mike Huckabee: How I Decide to Vote

Midterm elections are tomorrow.  Maybe you early voted like my wife, and I did. If so, it’s too late to change your vote…unless of course you live in one of those states where you can just let a dead person vote for you again.  But for most of us, we know we only get one ride and once we use our ticket, we’re done.  There are a lot of factors that might influence your vote and I realize that your focus might be different than mine, but here’s how I decide to vote, and it isn’t straight party voting even though I am indeed a Republican.

Above all, I will not support or vote for a candidate who believes that it’s okay to kill an unborn baby for any reason, at any time.  I personally am deeply committed to the science of life that holds that a human life begins at conception and is loved by and purposed by God and we should protect life until natural death.  I know there are some people who hold to certain exceptions, but I simply don’t think any person is worthless, expendable, disposable, or of less value than another.  Even a pregnancy that may have started by an evil act can be used by God for an eternal purpose.  As Joseph told his brothers, “What you intended for harm God has used for good.” 

It's nice to support candidates who agree with my views on border security, taxes, support for the police, and energy policy, but the deal breaker for me is that I will not support a person who thinks it’s okay to kill babies.  My political action committee Huck PAC will give over $4 million dollars to candidates across America this election cycle and every one of them has to declare being pro-life.  I simply don’t know how I can pray for God to bless America if I’m helping elect people who would be part of infanticide.  It’s especially troubling that while black people make up 13% of the population, over 39% of all abortions are performed on black babies.  More black babies are aborted in New York City than are even born.  Targeting black children for death is the most blatant form of racism and I don’t know why any black voter would vote for a politician who would support targeting of black babies for slaughter. 

If you’re a Christian and are troubled by voting for someone who personal life is less than stellar or is even scandalous, I understand your struggle.  But some doctors have horrible bedside manner but are great surgeons.  If the operation is to save the life of my family member, I want the BEST surgeon, not necessarily the NICEST one.  The mail carrier who brings my mail IS a nice person, but even if she wasn’t, I’d prefer one who got my mail to me accurately each day but who was rude and unfriendly than one who was sweet and kind but misdelivered 40% of my mail or just plain lost it.  If the mechanic who works on my car or the plumber who fixes my faucet is the nicest guy in town, but my car won’t get out of the driveway and I have water knee deep in my house, I’ll take a grouchy mechanic or plumber.  I’m picking principles over personality.  Sure, I’d love to have the people working for me to all love God, pray a lot, memorize scripture, and sing in the church choir, but I hire people to get a specific job done and if they can’t or won’t do it, I’ll fire them and get someone who can or will.  And even if you think you are voting for a nice person, they may not be that nice after all.  If a candidate you support doesn’t serve according to your principles of what’s right or wrong, then you are supporting policies that will adversely impact your family and perhaps your religious liberty.  I’d love for all the candidates I vote for to be Godly and spiritual, but as my boyhood pastor used to say, “God can hit a straight lick with a crooked stick.”   I don’t vote for those who will just lower my taxes—I want to vote for those who will fight for the issues I care about, even if they don’t do it for the right reason.  I’m really not as partisan as I seem, but I will admit that I’ve asked my family that when I die, please don’t let me vote Democrat!



P.S. If you want to see who I endorsed for election in your state, go to my Huck PAC website. Tens of thousands of voters have looked up our endorsements since Labor Day:

Endorsements 2022 (

Read More - Huck PAC endorses new candidates in 13 states

Today, Huck PAC is pleased to announce the support of these pro-life Republicans:

$5,000 Ted Budd for U.S. Senate (NC)

$5,000 Sue Kiley for U.S. House (NJ-6)

$5,000 Colin Schmitt for U.S. House (NY-18)

$5,000 Sandy Smith for U.S. House (NC-1)

$5,000 Anna Paulina Luna for U.S. House (FL-15)

$5,000 Kari Lake for Governor (AZ)

$6,500 Tudor Dixon for Governor (MI)

$25,000 Jim Pillen for Governor (NE)

$5,000 Brian Kemp for Governor (GA)

$5,000 Mark Meuser for U.S. Senate (CA)

$5,000 Steve Scalise for U.S. House (LA-1)9

$5,000 Dan Lux for U.S. House (LA-2)

$5,000 Clay Higgins for U.S. House (LA-3)

$5,000 Garret Graves for U.S. House (LA-5)

$5,000 Tom Weiler for U.S. House (MN-3)

$5,000 Tom Emmer for U.S. House (MN-6)

$5,000 Michelle Fischbach for U.S. House (MN-7)

$5,000 Pete Stauber for U.S. House (MN-8)                                                                                                               

$5,000 Lee Murphy for U.S. House (DE-AtL)

$5,000 Tracey Mann for U.S. House (KS-1)

$5,000 Jake LaTurner for U.S. House (KS-2)

$5,000 Ron Estes for U.S. House (KS-4)

$5,000 Kelly Cooper for U.S. House (AZ-4)

$5,000 Lee Zeldin for Governor (NY)

This year Huck PAC has directly contributed $3,332,924 to over 500 candidates and causes.

To view our endorsements in your state, go here. Thank you as always for your continued interest in Huck PAC.

Want to help? DONATE $5 HERE to keep us going.

Read More - Huck PAC endorses 17 new candidates

Today, Huck PAC is pleased to announce the support of these pro-life Republicans:

$5,000 Diana Harshbarger for U.S. House (TN-1)

$5,000 Tim Burchett for U.S. House (TN-2)

$5,000 Chuck Fleischmann for U.S. House (TN-3)

$5,000 Scott DesJarlais for U.S. House (TN-4)

$5,000 Andy Ogles for U.S. House (TN-5)

$5,000 John Rose for U.S. House (TN-6)

$5,000 Mark Green for U.S. House (TN-7)

$5,000 Mark Alford for U.S. House (MO-5

$5,000 Jacob Turk for U.S. House (MO-6)

$5,000 Eric Burlison for U.S. House (MO-7)

$5,000 Tiffany Smiley for U.S. Senate (WA)

$5,000 Joe Kent for U.S. House (WA-3)

$5,000 Elizabeth Kreiselmaier for U.S. House (WA-6)

$5,000 Matt Larkin for U.S. House (WA-8)

$5,000 Doug Basler for U.S. House (WA-9)

$5,000 Joanna Harbour for U.S. House (OR-3)

$5,000 Alek Skarlatos for U.S. House (OR-4)

This year Huck PAC has directly contributed $3,181,424 to over 450 candidates and causes.

To view our endorsements in your state, go here. Thank you as always for your continued interest in Huck PAC.

Want to help? DONATE $5 HERE to keep us going.

Today, Huck PAC is pleased to announce the support of these pro-life Republicans:

$5,000 Mike France for U.S. House (CT-2)

$5,000 Gentner Drummond for Attorney General (OK)

$2,000 Russell Coleman for Attorney General (KY)

$625 John Kellner for Attorney General (CO)

$499 Matt Deperno for Attorney General (MI)

$2,900 Scott Richardson for State Representative (AR-13)

$2,900 Tyler Dees for State Senate (AR-35

$5,000 Steve Chabot for U.S. House (OH-1)

$2,900 Bruce Cozart for State Representative (AR-91) 

$2,900 Chad Puryear for State Representative (AR-25) 

$2,900 Heather Turchi for State Representative (AR-75) 

$2,900 Rick McClure for State Representative (AR-26) 

$2,900 Aaron Pilkington for State Representative (AR-69)

This year Huck PAC has directly contributed $3,096,424 to over 450 candidates and causes.

To view our endorsements in your state, go here. Thank you as always for your continued interest in Huck PAC.

Want to help? DONATE $5 HERE to keep us going.

Read More - Least Surprising News of the Day

While being questioned under oath in a lawsuit by Florida’s Attorney General, a top Biden ICE official admitted that the Biden Administration is deporting far fewer illegal immigrants, about 40% as many as Trump did in 2019, and one-seventh as many as Obama did in 2012.

That’s even worse than it sounds, since it compares only the numbers deported without taking into account how many more illegal immigrants were allowed to enter under Biden who were “caught and released” or who evaded capture entirely, and who are not among the deportees.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody said the evidence gathered in the lawsuit so far shows that the Biden White House is “intentionally under-enforcing federal immigration law in a way that has never been seen,” and “flagrantly violating the very federal laws they swore to uphold.” She said they’re putting Border Patrol agents “in impossible and untenable positions,” making the border unsafe for agents and migrants alike, allowing in deadly drugs like fentanyl, and “at every phase of the process, Biden is purposely failing to enforce the law and detain and remove inadmissible immigrants.”

Here’s a suggested solution: Send all illegal border crossers directly to Martha’s Vineyard. That compassionate, liberal sanctuary city will make sure they’re all deported in less than 48 hours. The other is to remember this in November when we vote.

Read More - Biden's economy takes a full month of pay away

President Biden continues to insist that the economy is growing like crazy, and his policies are to credit for it, despite the fact that we are in a recession, but only if you use the definition of “recession” that until he came along was the universal definition of “recession.” He also claimed that there was no inflation in July, just because for once, inflation didn’t increase from the previous month, mostly because of a drop in gas prices that’s largely due to draining our strategic petroleum reserve and prices being so high that most people curtailed their driving (they’re still about a dollar higher per gallon than when Biden took office, though.)

However, this morning, stock prices took another plunge as Biden’s own Labor Department undercut his economic fairy tales by reporting that inflation rose more than expected in August. The consumer price index rose 8.3% from one year ago and 0.1% from the previous month. Economists had predicted an 8.1% yearly rise and a monthly price decline of 0.1%. Gas prices are down, but food prices continue to rise. Grocery prices were up 0.7% just since July, and restaurant prices rose 0.9% from the previous month.

To put that into perspective, 8.3% of your salary is about one-twelfth of it. So if you’re making the same pay now as you did last year, higher prices have robbed you of a full month of your yearly pay. If you buy the same things this year as you did last year, inflation has made it like trying to pay for it with 11 months’ worth of pay instead of 12 months’ worth.

With perfect timing, Biden had planned to use today to stage a victory lap for passing the Dems’ ironically named “Inflation Reduction Act,” which doesn’t reduce inflation at all but does put hundreds of billions of dollars in their green cronies’ pockets and hire 87,000 new IRS auditors to shake it out of our pockets.

The fact is that any job “growth” that Biden is patting himself on the back for came from either reopening the artificially shut-down economy or the boom in red states that are defying his policies. Imagine what the economic numbers would look like if they only took blue states into account!

Related: A new survey by the Job Creators Network Foundation found that 57% of small business owners believe we are already in a recession. Only 30% rate the economy as good or excellent. And 70% oppose adding 87,000 more IRS agents, because they know they’re not just going to target billionaires; they’ll be going after small businesses.

Read More - Huck PAC crosses $3,000,000 mark in donations to candidates

Today, Huck PAC is pleased to announce the support of these pro-life Republicans:

$5,000 Karoline Leavitt for U.S. House (NH-1)

$5,000 Robert Burns for U.S. House (NH-2)

$5,000 Mike France for U.S. House (CT-2)

$5,000 Aaron Bean for U.S. House (FL-4)

$5,000 Cory Mills for U.S. House (FL-7)

$5,000 Scotty Moore for U.S. House (FL-9)

$5,000 Calvin Wimbish for U.S. House (FL-10)

$5,000 Laurel Lee for U.S. House (FL-15)

$5,000 Carlos Gimenez for U.S. House (FL-28)

$5,000 Nick Lalota for U.S. House (NY-1)

$5,000 George Santos for U.S. House (NY-3)

$5,000 Mike Lawler for U.S. House (NY-17)

$5,000 Brandon Williams for U.S. House (NY-22)

$5,000 Nick Langworthy for U.S. House (NY-23)

$5,000 Ron Johnson for U.S. Senate (WI)

$5,000 Brian Steil for U.S. House (WI-1)

$5,000 Derrick Van Orden for U.S. House (WI-3)

$5,000 Scott Fitzgerald for U.S. House (WI-5)

$5,000 Glenn Grothman for U.S. House (WI-6)

$5,000 Tom Tiffany for U.S. House (WI-7)

$5,000 Mike Gallagher for U.S. House (WI-8)

$5,000 Alison Hayden for U.S. House (CA-14)

$5,000 John Gibbs for U.S. House (MI-3)

$5,000 Tamika Hamilton for U.S. House (CA-6)

This year Huck PAC has directly contributed $3,053,000 to over 450 candidates and causes.

To view our endorsements in your state, go here. Thank you as always for your continued interest in Huck PAC.

Want to help? DONATE $5 HERE to keep us going.

Dear ##Appellation##,

Today, Huck PAC is pleased to announce the support of these pro-life Republicans:

Kelly Tshibaka for U.S. Senate $5,000 (AK)

David Schweikert for U.S. House $5,000 (AZ-1)

Tom Barrett for U.S. House $5,000 (MI-7)

Sam Peters for U.S. House $5,000 (NV-4)

Chuck Edwards for U.S. House $5,000 (NC-11)

Pat Harrigan for U.S. House $5,000 (NC-14)

Dan Newhouse for U.S. House $5,000 (WA-4)

Jeremy Shaffer for U.S. House $5,000 (PA-17)

Jim Bognet for U.S. House $5,000 (PA-8)

Brad Finstad for U.S. House $5,000 (MN-1)

Christine Villaverde for U.S. House $5,000 (NC-2)

Mayra Flores for U.S. House $5,000 (TX-34)

Cassy Garcia for U.S. House $5,000 (TX-28)

Tyler Kistner for U.S. House $5,000 (MN-2)

Amanda Adkins for U.S. House $5,000 (KS-3)

Ryan Guillen for State House (TX-31) $5,000

Janie Lopez for State House (TX-35) $5,000

Katherine Parker for State House (TX-74) $5,000

Angie Button for State House (TX-112) $5,000

John Lujan for State House (TX-115) $5,000

Jamee Jolly for State House (TX- 70) $5,000

Adam Hinojosa for State Senate (TX-27) $5,000

This year Huck PAC has directly contributed $2,818,800 to over 400 candidates and causes.

To view our endorsements in your state, go here. Thank you as always for your continued interest in Huck PAC.

Want to help? DONATE $5 HERE to keep us going.

"The Unifying Party"

August 29, 2022

Read More -

Watch the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee on national TV embrace and echo President Biden in smearing tens of millions of Republicans as “extremists” and “semi-Fascists” who are launching a “full-frontal attack” on “our freedoms as a people.”

And just to make it clear who’s blowing hot gas, here’s what happened when some leftist protesters showed up to attack a peaceful rally by supporters of the mother of slain January 6th protester Ashli Babbitt. Yes, Joe, these are YOUR people. See if you can figure out who the violent, vile, divisive extremists are in this scenario.

 Don't forget to vote this November, your vote matters.

Read More - Huck PAC invests in Pennsylvania, Iowa, Mississippi and Virginia Republicans

Today, Huck PAC is pleased to announce the support of these pro-life Republicans:

$5,000   Dan Meuser for U.S. House (PA-9)

$5,000   Scott Perry for U.S. House (PA-10)

$5,000   Lloyd Smucker for U.S. House (PA-11)

$5,000 John Joyce for U.S. House (PA-13)

$5,000   Guy Reschenthaler for U.S. House (PA-14)

$5,000   Glenn Thompson for U.S. House (PA-15)

$5,000 Mike Kelly for U.S. House (PA-16)

$5,000 Marianette Miller-Meeks for U.S. House (IA-1)

$5,000   Michael Guest for U.S. House (MS-3)

$5,000   Morgan Griffith for U.S. House (VA-9)

This year Huck PAC has directly contributed $2,758,800  to 409 candidates and causes.

To view our endorsements in your state, go here. Thank you as always for your continued interest in Huck PAC.

Want to help? DONATE $5 HERE to keep us going.